In his career, Keanu turns down big roles if he believes the character he would portray is too violent. He took a 90 percent pay cut on The Replacements just so that Gene Hackman could be cast. Previously, he had deferred 2 million of his salary so that Al Pacino could be cast on The Devil’s Advocate. Even then, he gives most of his earnings to charity and the backstage crew/people who help on the set.
Currently, Keanu’s best friend is his sister, Kim Reeves, who has been diagnosed with leukemia. His remaining money probably pays for her medical bills, and he plays the guitar for a small band to further get finance.
Huh. Never knew any of this; seems he's a pretty good guy.
And I can't hold his acting against him when he's fairly self-aware...
Originally Posted by Keanu Reeves
I’m a meathead, man. You’ve got smart people, and you’ve got dumb people. I just happen to be dumb.
Then again, he can't be that dumb. He's been more successful at acting than most people who try (and are better than him). A statement like that is probably more indicative of very low self-esteem, which is all the more reason why we should cheer him up.
I'm game!