Home Brewing
So, I have a co-worker who is disabled and wanted to start brewing beer at home. Since he couldn't do any of the lifting, or fine-motorskill work, I offered to be his hands.
Our first batch was a mead. It is in the secondary fermentor now and has another six weeks. It looks and smells beautiful. Only 10 months to go before we drink it. Our second batch was an Irish Red. It looks great too. Racked it to the secondary fermentor yesterday. Only 6 weeks to go before we drink it.
Third batch was going to be a Honey Weizen. Yep, was going to be. We brought the water to a boil, and I poured in the Malt extract without turning off the burner. The extract is sort of like honey. It fell straight to the bottom of the pot and burned. Done before we started. For practice, we went all the way through the cooking process, and racked it into the primary fermentor. Then, we threw it out. 5 gallons of glorious, unrealized potential.
So, the schedule is as follows: Next week, blueberry wheat (to satisfy the Mrs.). Then it's the Honey Weizen v2.0, followed by another mead, followed by an English Brown. We are doing 5 gallons a pop and we intend on starting with bottling. I'm told that gets old REALLY fast, and we'll be forced to move to kegging soon enough.
So...adventures in homebrewing? Anyone ever burn their extract before? Did you bottle it anyway? Was it drinkable? Anyone brew beyond the kits and in larger batches that 5 gallons? Anyone brew wine? Anyone have particular incredients they prefer? Anyone ever grow their own hops?
Crack one open and tell us your stories.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."