Originally Posted by dlish
Considering that christianity has had a 600 year headstart on islam, you'd assume that those laws would be more refined. If you look back then, you'll probably find christianity was having similar issues as islam is having today.
But please do remind me send you the version that is released in the year 2610.
I hear and read too many horror stories about sharia law I suppose. And I hear the extreme examples, the sensational examples like women being stoned to death for adultery and criminals getting their heads and hands cut off. Its frightening stuff. Its strange to me that there are places on earth that do this and condone these actions even now. The fact that homosexuality is punishable by death in Iran to me is crazy, same with polygamy. Just the whole idea of mixing these extreme religious viewpoints into judicial and official proceedings makes me nervous, harshes my mellow. I probably need to educate myself more on the more moderate versions of sharia law.