Well in large part the religion is law statement belongs solely to Iran and Saudi Arabia. Almost all other Arab countries have constitutions written in large part by France and England which have secular law and court systems. So when you're discussing this topic you MUST get specific on which countries we're going to be discussing.
Syria is 100% secular Ba'athist regime.
Lebanon is 100% secular democratic, with a 60/40 government position split depending on Christian/Muslim religion.
All Magreb (N. Africa) are secular, with only Egypt having a parallel legal system.
UAE is secular
Yemen is secular
Jordan is secular
Iraq was, and still is secular
Turkey is secular
Palestine was secular, and Hamas still does not control the territory fully (it's complicated)
So when you're discussing these, please be specific on the realm of which we discuss. In addition, room must be left in the conversation to divide fatwas and actual enforceable power. If every random fatwa is allowed into the discussion, then by that logic Australians could be lumped into something that Jeremiah Wright might say.
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