bull's in china shops are actually quite graceful and don't do much damage at all. -see Mythbusters epp.
humanity is powerful but not the most powerful. we sure have the power to wreck everything for all life on earth though, but we don't have the power to fix it all.
we are most likely destroying the gulf right now and that oil will more then likely destroy vast amounts of ecosystems far beyond the gulf for decades to come with no real way to clean it up or restore it. nature will eventually come back but but we really fucked it in the ass this time. all so we can drive our little plastic cars to the market and buy our little plastic crap.
people whining about the devastation of the gulf economy...fuck the humans living in the gulf ! what about the sea life ? how'd you like to be a whale swimming around filtering plankton and get a mouth full of crude oil ? maybe you'd just die cause your baleen is all clogged and fucked up with oil ? animal life gets shit on everywhere and all humans worry about is their god damned economy. fuck humans.