Answer: Stop shooting .22-250 out of your AR.
And: I see baggy holes! Heh. No clue. I'm sure a SME at Some Other Board has the answer. The hot ammo is obviously a part of it but probably not the whole story.
I was a unit armorer for a minute and I never saw pins walk out on a gov't gun that hadn't been fucked with extensively by the operator. Most pin problems stem from people taking the steel FCG outta the old aluminum gun a zillion times for some lame promotion board inspection. Solution? Plan A was to use superglue, Plan B was to deadline. Plan C was me trying to come up with an effective way of telling my 1SG boss that total disassembly plus a bath in Simple Green was really not the best way to clean a M4.
And why the hell are you hotrodding ammo outta a M4? You're livin' on the edge!
Last edited by Plan9; 06-11-2010 at 09:09 PM..