Originally Posted by Idyllic
Doesn't most of what is considered aid get paid for via the people of the world and or the Israelis and or donations from this group or that group or, etc..... Sure the farmers get paid, but they would get paid to not farm either way, just thinking their system may be some what akin to U.S. farmers. So it seems to me in reality allowing the Palestinian/Gazans to govern themselves and make their own money, food, exports would be more beneficial for everyone involved (if we could just minus the bombings from hamas), just my sidewards thinking I guess? As I said, I don't see anyone profiting from this war, except maybe in some sick warped way, hamas in continuing to tyrannize the citizens of Gaza and completely discredit the nation of Israel, but that is their goal anyways, isn't it?
Except I am not talking about aid. People still buy and sell things in Gaza, and given the blockade of basic materials, most of that stuff goes through Israel.
A liter of corn oil costs the equivalent of 7 US dollars in Gaza. Where do you think the excess profits are ending up?