Originally Posted by aceventura3
Two points, one the thought from the article that "rich" people might keep a person alive to avoid taxes...and some question if "rich" people would do things much simpler to avoid paying taxes.
I like this. If we tax death enough, fewer people will die. Makes perfect sense in an econ 101 kind of way.
It really is great that his family won't have to suffer with only $4+ billion. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I'm sure that all those folks who complain about welfare recipients doing zero work and benefiting at the expense of the American taxpayer will be really upset about this too because that's exactly what this dude's family is doing.
Two, the folks in Congress had from 2001 to 2009 to fix this, and they did not. Democrats even had a super majority at one time and did not handle the issue, perhaps they need to have some more hearings, or I guess it is all Bush's fault anyway.
Nice preemptive trolling. I suspect the reason that nothing was done was that the US populace has become so passionately and reflexively anti tax that there aren't very many politicians with the political courage to raise taxes. Even taxes on dead people.