Maybe you should take some home movies of all the machinery, Dunedan, and show them at your local Welfare office.
This right here. Probably counter-productive to go vigilante on them.
I love animals myself but I had a neighbor once who had such an obnoxious dog I remember one time it came into our yard looking for some tail (we had a female dog), he came to a stop and started staring me down (the dog's name was "Boss"...which I took as a negative reflection on the owner). Maintaining eye contact I slowly picked up a rock a little smaller than a golfball and flung it at Boss from about 40 yards away. This rock hit Boss right between the freakin eyes - a miracle shot I have since been unable to achieve accuracy-wise with anything, a baseball, football, frisbee (I did accidently hit a lady in the head with a frisbee at the beach once) He yelped, bolted away and never showed his hide around again. I am not advocating violence, just passing on a story. Best of luck.