I think an interesting thread would be "Purchasing a firearm for home or self defense is a reasonable measure to make you and your family safer"
or possibly "A man named Jesus, who a substantial portion of the Jesus stories were then based on, existed"
or "Bestiality and Necrophilia should be illegal in all circumstances"
or "Social networking has a net-positive effect on interpersonal relations and society in general" (may need to narrow the scope on this one)
"The success of the majority of elite athletes is attributable more to nurture than nature"
"Professional athletes are paid far higher wages than they deserve"
"CEOs are paid far higher wages than they deserve"
"Modern civilization needs religion in order to continue to exist"
"It is in the interest of a countries economy to strictly regulate offshore outsourcing, instead of letting the free market run its course"
"Artificial child pornography in which no actual children were abused should be legal"
"Retroactively legalizing all drugs and releasing everyone charged with drug crimes is the best step to solving America's prison overpopulation crisis."
"Downloading of music should be legal, and musicians should make their money on promotional material, special edition albums, and concert ticket sales"
"A national 55mph speed limit should be instituted to combat the looming peak oil crisis"
...I'm sure there are plenty of other options...
twisted no more
Last edited by telekinetic; 06-09-2010 at 04:46 PM..