Originally Posted by monkeysugar
Grudgingly, yes, most likely. And then he'd post at least 4 hours of video talking about how he did it, along with a 45 minute segment featuring a bare minimum of 10 minutes of him verbally masturbating over his new tacti-cool shoelaces/whatever and 35 minutes of him and his little group of flunkies deciding what shade of brown/tan/green durakote to color their mall-ninja knife of the day. Add at least an additional 1/2 hour if they are color coordinating the durakote with a paracord wrap.
Beautiful. Where has this dark energy been in other threads? I demand more. It's like eating a Hostess snack cake with my eyes.
Originally Posted by monkeysugar
Unless those iron sights were way off...I'm not seeing how they're that great of shots.
Now you'd think getting a good zero on whatever rifle(s) is/are involved beforehand would have been a part of prep for the show...