I too think the meat industry does need a major overhaul, while our large population does almost necessitate large industrial farms steps could be taken to encourage the use of smaller local farms that produce a healthier (and tastier) cut of meat. At the very least we could be insisting on higher/stricter standards at industrial farms, especially when meat is such a large part of our diet.
Personally I'd have no problem eating a pet if the situation presented itself, however due to my own attachments to the creature (or respect to another family) its simply easier to look elsewhere for meat. Having said that if I or my family were starving Rover would be on the dinner table as fast as I could fire up the grill. I've just never viewed killing and eating animals as an ethical question and besides being ethically consistent in all aspects of life simply isn't realistic and only serves to make life more difficult (if not make for stubborn/interesting discussions). That of course presumes that we even need to extend our concept of ethics to the animal world in the first place or at the very least weather or not the same moral values should apply. While I see no reason to be needlessly cruel to animals, I also stop short of consulting my book on ethics everytime I squeeze the trigger or tuck into a juicy steak. But thats just me, everybody views the world differently and it takes all kinds I suppose.
I don't know in the end the whole thing simply comes down to ones opinion on the matter and anyone's diet is their own personal choice. I can say that I'm not sure I can picture a world turning completely vegan, that seems a little far fetched to me.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”