Politically, I'm Green, which is a combination of European leftist and radical environmentalist. I believe most strongly in making the world a better place for all people through altruism and environmental responsibility. I believe in clean water, clean air, clean dirt, clean food, and leaving as much of the environment alone as possible. I believe in harmony, homeostasis.
Religiously, I'm an atheist of the agnostic type. I have not been given sufficient evidence of anything supernatural, and should I be presented with such evidence, I would view it with extreme skepticism as it requires incredible evidence to verify incredible claims. I harbor no ill will towards people that believe in god or g-d or allah or shiva or whatever, though I often find myself having a problem with the words and actions that result from some religious views, particularly those of a hateful or anti-science nature.
Culturally, I'm white bread. I end up exploring other cultures often because I'm off-put my the American cultures of consumerism and religiosity (religion as a culture). While I believe in liberty, justice, and equality, these things seem disjointed from everyday American culture.
Socially, I'm a libertarian. So long as people aren't hurting other people, they should be free to choose what to do and with whom to do it with. I love experiencing all life has to offer, and I see no reason to prevent other people from doing the same thing.