"Sure the system could be a lot better.. but why think about that when florida uses ballots people can't even understand, and media coverage affects the outcome. I say take the whole mess electronic, count it all at once. "Please touch a picture of your candidate and/or their affiliated party symbol please." It's a presidential election there shouldn't be any room for bullshit excuses."
These are some very good ideas. We live in the central time zone and often the networks have predicted winners before the polls close here - and long before many Californians have had a chance to vote. I don't know what the logistics would be, or how secure this would be but anything would beat what we have now.
I really think that if politics are going to ever be really fair the entire system needs to be changed. The very idea of starting to run for an office two years before the election is ridiculous. Let me throw something at you. Let's make it against the law to even announce you are a candidate until 90 days before the election and that you can spend no more campaigning than the salary for the office would pay for the term of office.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!