Originally Posted by Strange Famous
How could you state that I, a committed feminist, denigrate women? For everyone reading this, they will simply be amazed and ashamed of the things that you state.
Strange, I don't even know where to start with this one. Almost
every single person that has bothered to respond to you on TFP,
ever, on the subject of your attitudes toward women has taken issue with them and told you that your views are decidedly not feminist. When the
women of TFP are also telling you that they don't appreciate your views, you lose all ability to claim that your views are feminist, let alone the astonishing claim that "everyone reading" posts critical of you "will simply be amazed and ashamed of the things" they state. You may not want to accept it, but I think I have a pretty good pulse of the community on this one: everyone reading actually kind of agrees with those criticisms. If you don't realize that after years of having the same debate over and over... and over again, then that's simply willful ignorance. Many people don't even bother responding anymore because they're so tired of the circular arguments.