You have reached a state of hysteria where you simply are stating black is white and getting angrier and angrier that the world will not conform.
How could you state that I, a committed feminist, denigrate women? For everyone reading this, they will simply be amazed and ashamed of the things that you state.
A harmless image from a rap album you claim is some kind of rape fantasy. Only a diseased mind could really think this. So we must asume you say it only because you think it will provoke me.
On my comments on homosexuality... perhaps you will show us he evidence of a man who his entire life was 100% sure he was homosexual, who never had any doubt or questioned it. Since you cannot the majority of people will accept what I said as fact.
On the supposed "objectification" of women you talk about: I have stated simply that women cannot commit rape - which I have proved quite blatantly, that violence is alien to the female nature (which is mere common sense).
I have lived 32 years of my life, and I have never been threatened with violence with by a woman or hit by a woman, I have never known a woman (above the age of about 12 when children are all the same) who has acted in a seriously violent way. I have not had any mates who have been hit by women or threatened with violence by a woman as far as I am aware.
When I talk about "real life" this is what I mean, and this is what 99% of the people on TFP also experience.
For those who are obsessed with find some right wing anti woman website on google that talks a loaf of nonesense and demand it is rebutted... I say to you that my experience, and the experience of all the people I have known in 32 years is my rebuttal.
I place the experience of real life above what someone sitting at home on their own can find on google.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas