I am proving sexuality is a choice.
So far, all you've proven is that it's a choice you're unable (therefore not actually a choice) or unwilling (therefore unprovable) to make. You keep insisting you've proven things when all you've done is make unfounded assertions.
The priest cannot change his physical / biological reaction. But he can use his choice to not act on it.
A man cannot help but be sexually attracted to a sexy woman
A man cannot help but be sexually attracted to a sexy woman (even a practising homosexual, although their physical attraction may be smaller than a heterosexual)
Oxymoronic, and just plain moronic, bullshit. Check the links I provided earlier. Homosexual males are wired, framed, and trimmed, to be attracted to men. Their brains are chemically, and morphologically, closer to a heterosexual female than a heterosexual male. They do not display the chemical, neurological, electrical, -or- physiological markers of "attraction" to women. Read the friggin' links, Strange. You. Are. Incorrect. Flatly, totally, and 103% completely incorrect.
Even if we talk of female rugby players (although I was a prop when I played it is quite amusing for Dundean to imagine I would be intimidated by a back, even a female one)
Given your attitudes towards women, I think it's safe to say that you feel intimidated by pretty much -all- women. It's the only logical motivator I can see for this endless, patronizing, disgusting, makes-me-ashamed-to-be-a-male habit you have of denigrating their capabilities, putting them on pedestals (while posting an "erotic image" in another thread which strongly suggests rape), and all the while insisting that while you'd never fight one (because that would be wrong and unmanly and John L. Sullivan would hate you for it) you could easily kick the ass of any woman you liked. This is what we call "overcompensation," Strange, and it doesn't help your cases; ANY of them.