Yep, both sides, 20 to 30 dogs and 12 + horses to my right.... and one mad and crazy vicious junkyard dog to my left that has bitten me, I carry a nightstick down to the bus stop when she is out, I've told the owners I will kill her if she comes near me or my children ever again. The horse lady has had the SPCA called on her by every neighbor around. What to do......? We are trying to move.
I used to love the smell of horses, not these horses, God bless them. I am embarrassed to invite people to my house as in the heat of summer you can smell the dog run like nothing I have ever smelt before in my life, It nauseates me to be outside my own house when the weather is 87 degrees or above. What to do? The dog/horse lady we sincerely try to avoid, she is one of those, "oh whoa is me, I need help" but you can never help her enough and she is always asking for more, more, more, but never recognizing the suffering of her own animals.... shame (we did adopt one of her puppies, but that's another story). As for junkyard dog, The owner is a wonderful man whom I really like and he just loves this dog, this vicious, crazy, eat your ass in a heartbeat dog, seriously, this dog is terrifying, half lab so she wags her tail and is sweet in the face, half rottweiler, yeah, fucking eat you while she's smiling kind of bitch. Good luck The_Dunedan, anticipate worsening as the wild heathen children grow into cars, we have erected a wooden fence to protect the kids and block the views.... I am sorry to hear about your hen and her ducklings, how very sad.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does
p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.