Originally Posted by Strange Famous
And I have never reported a post for what was aimed at me in it. I just think in the last few weeks Ive had people making fun of my weight, calling me a troll multiple times - and people shouldnt need to have to report something when it is in a thread that clearly moderators are posting in. If the moderator is in the conversation and does nothing than it seems to me clear that they approve or at least acquiesce to it.
In the thread where people were commenting on your weight, a mod note was posted for people to calm down and certain members were contacted in private as well. We don't generally advertise moderation. The thing is, most of the things you get picked on about are brought on by yourself, Strange. You make statements - repeatedly, and on many different subject - that have absolutely no generally understood basis in reality (let alone scientifically understood). We're here to protect people from unreasonable attacks, not having their own... unique... views challenged. I'd hope, after all these years, that you'd have taken to heart the fact that the entire population of this website almost universally disagrees with you on many of these topics. It's a good indicator that the problem just may not be with everyone else.
If you want to discuss this further, feel free to PM me.