First off, of course, I am a Jew. I believe in the preservation of my people's traditions and the education of all Jews in Hebrew and Jewish texts. I am a Zionist, although not uncritically. And I believe in the value of respectful interfaith dialogue.
I am more or less a proud American, although I am more proud of the potential of America's constitutional system, and less about the actual social and governmental conditions of the United States.
I am a Democrat, only because I believe the Democrats are marginally less destructive and greedy than the Republicans, although what they lack in those areas, they make up for in general incompetence. If America actually had a multi-party system, I'd probably vote Green a lot.
I am a social progressive, with some elements of libertarianism. Basically, I believe that government exists to help and support people, and should be extremely active in providing social programs and services, building and maintaining infrastructure, defending us when necessary, regulating big businesses to limit their power and prevent oppression of the little guy, and otherwise ensuring justice and preserving people's rights-- and I believe in paying taxes to pay for all of this, because you get what you pay for. But I believe that government should stay out of people's private lives: there should be more or less no laws concerning what consenting adults can do sexually; there should be minimal "vice" laws of other sorts; the government has no place in people's private medical decisions; everyone has a right to privacy; the wall between religion and government should be vast and impenetrable; public education should be free, open, and unfettered by thought regulations; and every citizen should have a say in the government's major decisions.
I am an artist (actor, writer, director, poet, singer), and I believe in the freedom of artists to practice their arts without censorship, and in the responsibility of a cultured society to support its artists in their work.
I am a mystic, and I believe in the vital importance of pursuing spiritual awareness, spiritual advancement and enrichment, and practicing a spiritual discipline. I believe everything in the multiverse contains a spark of Divinity within it.
Hmmmm.... I am a reader and enjoy talking to other readers. I am something of a stoner, and believe in good friends smoking good weed together. I am a teacher, and I love what I do. I also believe that teaching keeps me young.
I guess those are the majors.
Dull sublunary lovers love,
Whose soul is sense, cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
That thing which elemented it.
(From "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne)