Originally Posted by silent_jay
Still going at the 'terrorists' angle I see, well you're persistent I'll give you that much. Got a link to the story by the way, curious to see what source it came from.
The "source" for that is the IDF's spokesperson blog. And this after the own Israeli government has retracted it's al qaeda comment. Considering Idyllic has posted sources of every other copy and paste she's done, I wonder why this one was left without a source.
By the way, as always, that story is bull.
Ken O'keefe, for example, is a known anti War activist. Love him or hate him, I doubt he'd still be free if he were ever caught trying to enter Palestine to provide training to terror groups, or that he'd still be able to live in Ireland and fly around the world if this "known terrorist" tie had any truth to it.
But I must turn to Idyllic: what is your goal here? to debate things with people? or to ignore it when people question things you say to then just move on to the next copy and paste of information with questionable sources?