Originally Posted by Lindy
You can't do a titty fuck with A or B cup breasts.
Originally Posted by MSD
Yes you can
Originally Posted by Plan9
Hah, deja vu. Didn't we argue this last year as well?
My guy and I were trying to visualize this and couldn't get past the image of a stick of pepperoni on a tabletop.
I might admit the possibility with B cups. Maybe I should edit my original.
Originally Posted by lunxpress
....They are really secondary sex characterstics.
If a woman is moderately well endowed, agile, and willing to actively use her breasts in a sexually active way, they certainly don't have to be secondary. A boob jack is one of my guy's most favorite things.
It's a fairly young relationship, (only a few months) and it's a new experience for him.
His last relationship was years of missionary in the dark.
So we're still exploring new territory.
Originally Posted by lunxpress
The equivalent would be not liking someone because their balls were too small.
Not comparative. I've never heard any woman talk about this, but my guy has one that is much larger than the other. Everything works just fine, though. Big danglies are fun to play with, though.
Originally Posted by lunxpress
I find it even sadder that many women have coveted this ideal so much that they would risk inserting some foreign object into their bodies feel better about themselves? If you are this impressionable to begin with, the new breasts won't help you. You'll surely find something else to obsess about.
I agree that money is way better spent on therapy.
I agree 100%, but from the point of view of an outsider. I can't really know what a small breasted woman feels.
on the road in Indiana