The flip side
When I was a young woman, I developed slowly and was mortified by my 32A breasts. I bought the water bra, I wore padded cups all to live up to some standard of beauty imposed by society.
As I aged, I learned to love them. I was amazed at their utilitarian power when I had my first child. This was the time in my life, when I felt the most womanly and it had nothing to do with men. Not to spoil our 8th grade boobies fantasy, but they are representatives of the bond between my children and I. This was the only time I ever had full breasts and it was also the only time I had no interest in sex, ironically.
I find it pretty sad, that squishy sacs of tissue could make or break a relationship or cause someone else not to like you. They are really secondary sex characterstics. The equivalent would be not liking someone because their balls were too small. I find it even sadder that many women have coveted this ideal so much that they would risk inserting some foreign object into their bodies feel better about themselves? If you are this impressionable to begin with, the new breasts won't help you. You'll surely find something else to obsess about.
I agree that money is way better spent on therapy.