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Old 06-06-2010, 01:11 PM   #80 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
I think we can go a little further, although it is a harder case to argue, because we live in a male (ie capitalist) society, it is hard to be certain about what life would be like in a female (ie communist/utopian) society WITHOUT relying on making judgments about the essential human nature of people

Violence is alien to the female pyschology entirely.

Yes, it is true that woman can and do commit acts of violence (although of course far less and far less brutal than men) - but insofar as this does happen it is a characteristic of being forced to live in a male capitalist society and under the influance of the dominant male capitalist dogma and conditioning of society (which preaches competition, conquest, violence, power as socially good and necessary)

It is against the true nature of the female to engage in any act of physical or emotional violence.
And I suppose it exists only in human animals, whereas other female animals and their inherent protection of young would not be considered true nature when they attack and kill anything they view as a threat to their offspring, that is the true nature of violence in women, but violence still exists in women outside of the nurture/protect realm also.

Though it is true that men are, biologically, more aggressive in general than women, this does not negate violence in women. I teach my boys to turn the other cheek and then if they are hit in that cheek also, to defend themselves, period. I tell them that a woman will kill them just as easily as a man and they have a responsibility to defend themselves, regardless of gender. They are taught that violence in any form is unnecessary and that self-defense should only go so far as it is necessary to remove the threat. Women can be very, very violent, it is not against our nature to be violent, it is merely against our wish in evolving humanity, most women like life as that is our gift to men, to present them with the life they create inside of us, but don’t think for one moment that it is against my nature to protect that life, wherein I possess my violent nature, the nature to protect life, and I will protect children and the weak and innocent to my own death, violently.

I don’t agree with all in the site listed (especially the anti-feminism bs, though I am not pro nor anti feminism, I do not see feminism as anti-male), but it shows a lot of female violence. And physical child abuse does fall in the hands of women, in general, more so than men.

Bull Busters. Violent Women : Underground Productions : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Who abuses children?

Compiled by Nick Richardson and Leah Bromfield, National Child Protection Clearinghouse. Published by the Australian Institute of Family Studies
ISSN 1448-9112 (Online)

It is clear from the available evidence that children are most likely to be physically or emotionally abused, or neglected, by parents or other caregivers (Cawson et al., 2000). Further, despite the general view that children are sexually abused mainly by strangers, the reality is that most sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone who is known to the child, such as a family member, family friend or person with whom the child comes into contact (e.g., sports coach, teacher, priest) (Leventhal, 1998).

Types of maltreatment

In this section each of the main forms of child abuse and neglect is discussed in terms of the evidence regarding those who are more likely to be identified as perpetrators.

Physical abuse

It is clear that both mothers and fathers physically abuse children. A British prevalence study found that while mothers were more likely than fathers to be responsible for physical abuse (49% of incidents compared to 40%) (Cawson et al., 2000), part of the difference may be explained by the greater time children spend with their mothers than fathers. Violence was also reported to be perpetrated by stepmothers (3%) or stepfathers (5%), grandparents (3%) and other relatives (1%).

Fatal child abuse

Child deaths resulting from parental abuse are unique among homicides in terms of the high proportion of women offenders. Female offenders are usually biological mothers, whereas male perpetrators are usually de facto or step parents to the child victim (Alder & Polk, 2001).

Most researchers who have used police homicide records suggest that the majority of perpetrators are males (Lyman et al., 2003). However, many deaths due to maltreatment may not meet the criminal definition of homicide, particularly deaths due to neglect (Finkelhor, 1997; Lawrence & Irvine, in press). The US National Incidence Study (Sedlak & Broadhurst, 1996), which is based on child maltreatment cases that include neglect, showed that almost 80 per cent of fatal maltreatment cases were attributed to female perpetrators.

Studies have shown that mothers are predominantly responsible for neonaticides (death of child aged under 24 hours) (Creighton, 1995, Finkelhor & Dziuba-Leatherman, 1994). These women tend to be young or immature women who are ill-equipped to deal with pregnancy and the care of a child (Finkelhor, 1997).
Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
what life would be like in a female (ie communist/utopian) society
What exactly does that mean?
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does

p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.

Last edited by Idyllic; 06-06-2010 at 01:19 PM.. Reason: attract to attack, spelling error, sorry
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