women actually have a lower pain threshold than men on average (ie of course Im not saying every man has a higher threshold than every women)
Women also cannot be:
If someone finds a rare example, it will almost certainly be the case that that woman was pyschologically male.
The act of killing (while of course a woman can physically enact it) is a male action.
We have had quite a long discussion about women committing sex crimes before - I believe a conversation around some girls in an old people's homes where some highjinks and horseplay got a bit out of hand but the state claimed an actual sexual assault had taken place. I am more than happy to discuss it again but maybe it would take over this thread if it was done here.
With the greatest respect - these case noodle mentions is not rape. I have looked up "cock ring" on the internet. The fact that this woman "fitted" on on the male and he didnt climax is a rather different thing from being a rape victim. The only way in which a female could conceivably carry out an act which might be consider rape on a man would be with a dildo. In real life, if this has happened 10 times in the history of humanity I would be shocked.
By definition, the act of a man's penis penetrating a woman cannot in any circumstance whatsoever be called rape by the female. I do not care if someone can quote an article that says it is. It is logically, humanly, factually, impossible. The man is the active participant in such an action and the woman is the passive one.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas