The Desert Eagle, at roughly five pounds, excels at being a conversational piece on your coffee table or for securing lose papers on your desk.
I inherited the black 6" Desert Eagle XIX .357 featured in this thread in 2004 and refuse to sell it despite how bad it hurts my street cred. The piece is a hilarious example of how a total piece of junk can become so popular in the mainstream while more practical designs fall by the wayside. A little research on .357 caliber autoloading pistols will reveal how ironic it is that the Desert Eagle has become a pop culture icon. I'm still combing the desert looking for a Coonan Cadet, myself. And since I'm
That Guy, the Desert Eagle sits in my safe next to a cherry Intratec TEC-9. So which owner category am I, TK?
Devil's Advocate'd:
As an aside, the Desert Eagle, at least in .357, is incredibly controllable (no shit, it weighs five pounds and is gas operated) and if meticulously maintained, can really rock .357s on paper. The polygonal rifling, large grip area, and sheer mass make it a decent target pistol... assuming it functions. The SAO trigger is wide and breaks pretty clean and I haven't had any magazine-related stoppages in 6 years despite word on the street. The gun is horribly picky about being dirty, however; and as mentioned above, the gas system is pretty much the mostest-stupidest design ever.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
...pricing guns.
God bless Canada.