Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Hell, whack the leadership and a few firstborne sons, go Russian on their asses. Then make sure the next generation of Hamas/Fatah/whoever-takes-over gets the picture.
I agree...if they went Russian (or-gasp-Syrian) on Hamas and the Gaza Strip, this whole charade would be over within a week. Hamas is the latest in a line of unfortunate palestinian leadership more capable and concerned with terrorism and terrorist acts than governing. PLO, same thing. Nothing new there. But didn't Israel take out the top leaders/spiritual leaders/bombmakers of the PLO (minus Arafat)? They were simply replaced with the next goon in line. Look what happened with Fatah the minute they started making reasonable overtures towards Israel...Hamas spent their election victory party killing off as many members of Fatah as they could and taking over Gaza by force. These are the types of people to be dealt with rationally?
About the rockets and frog bombers...notice how few rockets and suicide bombers have gone off in Israel since the incursion and blockade. I believe that number is zero. Coincidence? It is unfortunate but what other options does Israel realistically have?