I'm a little disturbed that this conversation has turned into little more than "yeah, she's hot." (Which, yeah, she is.) I guess I can understand why - in the absence of any more information, it's just a "she said/they said" case with some photos of a very attractive woman.
But shouldn't this bring up some interesting questions? I'm tempted initially to tell her to get over herself...poor hot chick who thinks everyone's got it in for her.

But what if her side of the story is true?
Should someone who's curvy be reprimanded for "dressing sexily" when frankly, she's just kind of sexy and whatever she wears is going to make her look good? Or does she have some responsibility to recognize that her assets might need to be covered up a bit more? Is something that might be appropriate on someone less well-endowed still appropriate on a curvier woman? Does she need to be cognizant of what's distracting to others, or does she have a right to wear what she damn well pleases? Would we even be having this conversation if it was a good-looking man instead who wore tight pants?