Originally Posted by dippin
And "blind support" to me sounds a lot like supporting an illegal action that used significantly more power than necessary.
I agree with you guys on nearly everything you are saying except the above. What I'm about to ask might not be what you mean in the statement above. But, you have made mention several times about the types of weapons the one group had. You seem to think it was wrong to shoot because these guys "only" had pipes and knives.
I know they shouldn't have been there, I know it was in international waters, I know the seize is immoral. Let's focus on the millisecond of time where someone starts stabbing you.
Dippin, if you have a gun and someone starts stabbing you with a knife, are you going to shoot them or let them keep stabbing? This is a serious question. I'm not picking a fight here, I am just trying to understand the alternative once you are on your back being hit about the head with pipes and being stabbed.