Originally Posted by Idyllic
So what I think you are saying is that by trying to forcibly push hamas out it is in turn the creation of the problem and that if left to their own devises the people themselves would grow beyond the tyranny, I think I understand this and in such theory I would like to believe the reality of this. I don't know that I believe Israel is attempting an ethnic cleansing, however, if one considers hamas as an ethnic entity, then yes, I believe you could say they are, but I tend to see hamas (as well as other tyrannical regimes) more as a cancer and the risk of its growth being so disruptive as to destroy the body of Palestine (or wherever they thrive) and any citizens that get in its way.
No, I was more talking about how all theocracies violate basic human rights. That includes Iran, that includes Hamas, and that includes the Jewish pseudo-theocracy Israel. You were asking about Israel's right to exist, and the very first thing that came to mind was, "Yeah it can exist as long as they drop their version of theocracy."