Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
Unfortunately this isn't so much a waxing and waning as it is a sudden suicide off a cliff. We went from two who spoke every day nearly without fail, to him insulting me, apologizing and blocking me all in the span of a few minutes. He had offered to me the suggestion of us not speaking for a while. I am a bit concerned that he may be waiting for me to make that move, but why block me if that were the case? This matter really troubles me as I cannot see where he is coming from and have absolutely no idea what to do.
Take some responsibility. You were the one who altered the terms of the relationship ("I felt that it would be best if we end any of our flirtatious discussion between each other and maintain a more platonic relationship"), and he responded by deciding that a relationship without the flirtation wasn't one he wanted to be in.
Reading between the lines here, I'm sure you probably phrased it a bit differently in your email, and his photoshop of a chat conversation satirizing what you were implying about your averages chat content doesn't seem like an out-of-line response.
His accusations of you being romantically attached make sense in that context, as well.
He may have been less serious about your chats than you, and for you to take them seriously, by seriously addressing the content (even if you were suggesting it end) might have been a bit of a shock--enough for him to want to disconnect.
Besides all of that...not to put too fine of a point on it, but if you're not dating, who fucking cares? He doesn't want to be chat buddies with you anymore. Move on. If you were so wrapped up in it that this is hard, then his accusations of you having more feelings than just casual chat friends should is probably accurate.