Originally Posted by Idyllic
I just don’t think that helped any, but if it helps you to NOT see me, or attempt to portray me, as some xenophobic, paranoid, delusional flights of fantasy girl, wait lets’ not forget Islamophobic, (thanks Baraka) then I hope you understand now. The only phobic I am is cryophobic, being the hot-blooded bitch I am. 
You do know BG was calling Robert Spencer an Islamophobe right? I mean that was pretty obvious just by reading is post.
You could have stopped at "Robert Spencer," but whatever.
....I don't know enough about the Turkey connection except what I am uncovering as I read along.
So, you don't know enough about the Turkey connection, but you know you want their President to acknowledge 'possible terrorist links to some unnamed people on the ships', well for someone who doesn't know enough about it, you sure do seem convinced there were 'terrorists' on these ships, or are they back to being 'hate filled animals'.