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Old 06-02-2010, 06:21 AM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The_Dunedan View Post
The problem, Idyllic, is that Israel specifically forbids the importation to Gaza of certain materials which they insist are "dual use" and would be appropriated by, stolen by, or simply -given to- Hamaz/Hezb'Allah/Al-Q, etc.

Among these prohibited "dual use" materials are cement, concrete, all types of iron or steel (including rebar and hardware cloth), aluminum, copper wiring of any type, etc.

Can you use these things to build bunkers and make shrapnel for bombs? Of course you can, but you can also use sand-bags and carpet-tacks. What these materials are -usually- used for is in replacing the hundreds of civilian homes and businesses which the Israelis have destroyed and not permitted to be rebuilt. That's what was allegedly on these vessels: construction materials. When the several tonnes of rebar are "discovered," as they will be, the Israeli Gov't will predictably claim that they interdicted a huge shipment of weapons (pre-shrapnel, maybe?) bound for Hamas/Hezb'Allah terrorists and all but primed for launch. It's how they've reacted to such "contraband" in the past, and they've given no indication of being willing to stop dealing with Gaza in this way.

Essentially, Israel will only allow stuff into Gaza that has no -possible- use, not even a theoretical ability, as a weapon. Given the amount and kinds of HME* that can be cooked up with the contents of a medicine cabinet, garage, or kitchen cupboard, you can see how this excessively broad definition might be problematic for the people of Gaza.

*Home-Made Explosive
I can't say that I blame them for being a bit sensitive to things that can be made to go boom..... can you? But here is some of what they do, do.

Building for the future: Infrastructure and economic aid

Building materials

While the import of cement and iron has been restricted into Gaza since these are used by the Hamas to cast rockets and bunkers, monitored imports of truckloads of cement, iron, and building supplies such as wood and windows are regularly coordinated with international parties. Already in the first quarter of 2010, 23 tons of iron and 25 tons of cement were transferred to the Gaza Strip.

On 13 May 2010, Israel allowed approximately 39 tons of building material into Gaza to help rebuild a damaged hospital. The construction material for al Quds hospital was transferred after safeguards in place and French assurances ensured that the construction material would not be diverted elsewhere.

On 24 May 2010 Israel opened the Kerem Shalom crossing to 97 trucks loaded with aid and goods, including six trucks holding 250 tons of cement and one truck loaded with five tons of iron for projects executed and operated by UNRWA.


According to the UN report of May 2010, 120 megawatts (over 70%) of the Strip's electricity supply comes from the Israeli electric grid, while 17 MWs come from Egypt and 30 MWs are produced by the Gaza city power station. Since January 2010, there has been deterioration in the supply of electricity to the Gaza Strip since the Hamas regime is unwilling to purchase the fuel to run the Gaza City power station.

Throughout 2009 Israel transferred 41 trucks of equipment for the maintenance of Gaza's electricity grid.

Israel facilitates the transfer of fuel through the border, and maintains that the diversion of fuel from domestic power generators to other uses is wholly a Hamas decision. Over 133 million liters of fuel entered Gaza from Israel over the last 18 months.


During the first quarter of 2010, the UN coordinated with Israel the transfer of equipment for UNWRA to upgrade the sewage pumping station. In 2009, 127 trucks containing more than 3,000 tons of hypochlorite entered the Gaza Strip for water purification purposes. Moreover, 48 trucks of equipment for improving the sanitation infrastructure led to a substantial reduction in the Beit Lahya facility's waste levels.


The United States, Israel, Canada, and the European Union have frozen funds to the Palestinian Hamas government since 2006, recognizing it as a terror organization. Israel has taken measures to support trade and commerce, the banking system, and the existing financial market in the Gaza Strip.

Gazans produce much of their own food products including olives, citrus, vegetables, Halal beef, and dairy products. Primary exports from Gaza are cut flowers and citrus, with trade partners being Israel, Egypt and the West Bank. During 2009, 7.5 million tons of flowers and 54 tons of strawberries were exported from Gaza with Israeli cooperation.

In 2009, 1.1 billion shekels (about $250 million) were transferred to the Gaza Strip for the ongoing activity of international organizations and to pay the salaries of Palestinian Authority workers. 40 million damaged bank notes were traded for new bills, and at the request of the Palestinian Monetary Fund, 282.5 million shekels were transferred from Gazan to Israeli banks.

In February 2010, an agreement was reached with the Palestinian Authority's National Insurance Department to ensure that pensions reached those formerly employed in Israel. The funds were deposited in banks in Judea and Samaria, while the Palestinian Authority was given the responsibility of distributing the funds to the pensioners in Gaza.
Israel does not want to kill anyone, they want to befriend them, they have no problem with the Palestinians, it is the hamas they want thrown out, they are doing everything they can to end the deaths of not only their own people but the people of gaza outside the tyrannical hamas and other terror affiliates. The Gazans, the Palestinians themselves should run the tyrannical hamas out of gaza, they could push out extreme fundamental religious zealots, couldn't they, if they are so willing and able, wouldn't you run a tyrannical regime, that butchers people and mails body parts, out of power, but they are willing (or forced) to allow the hamas to put IED's at their doorsteps, why do you think that is, would you allow a regime to put a bomb at your doorstep?

---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
Dec. 09' - Two sides to that story, I don't know what to believe, except that no one died, Thank God.

January 09' - So they listened and turned back, as well they should considering that gaza is presently a closed military area...... you know, the whole bombing and terror thing right, the denial of Israel and the "death to the infidels" thing, the missiles and the mortars and the suicide bombings and things, right?

June 09' - Have you seen some of the videos where all they portray is pain and anguish supposedly always perpetrated by Israel, not by the hamas against it's own people to tyrannize them or to control them with fear and religion as a means to their own diabolical end.

Whatever happened to these journalist, especially the "non-biased" Al Jazeera, were they released or detained longer, did they finish and go on to gaza. I don't see any blockade of ships as inappropriate during this time of hamas controlled gaza, I just don't, the hamas (and all terror affliates) must be removed, their mentality of the total destruction of Israel is the crux of this embargo as well their xenophobic intolerance and their antiquated view on reality steeped in religious doctrines that are interpreted to teach and promote hate and death of all infidels is their own damnation. I believe Israel is doing what it must to protect itself and its people, what else are they supposed to do?

I should say, I don't necessarily like or agree with any of this, I wish none of this were happening, but it is. I will not, however, tolerant terrorism, or tyranny and I just don't see Israel as the conductors of despair in this land, I see the hamas, al qaeda, hezbollah, taliban (insurgents), et al. as the main destruction of peace and tolerance in a land hurting for a voice that does not scream "Death to the Infidels" at the same time they bow to mecca.....It is tiring the reality of hate that fills the hearts and minds of the extremist xenophobic zealots, and I do not believe that all Muslim feel the way the extremists do, I believe the average Muslim is being tyrannized over too, by their own people, and it is sad and very painful to hear and view these atrocities.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does

p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.
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