3) I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you have absolutely no idea as to the causes of penetrating power. (Double entendre unintentional, yet applicable). Ft/lbs has VERY little to do with it.
Good point. A long, pointy bullet will penetrate better than a short, fat bullet of the same weight and/or speed. Pounds/feed is a measure of the kinetic energy imparted into the round. That energy -helps- determine how well something will penetrate, but isn't nearly as important as the design of the projectile itself. This is why the 5.7x28FN will penetrate body-armor rated to stop a .44 Magnum (which has more than 3x the kinetic energy but is also more than 2x as wide). However, because heavier bullets -retain- their energy better, the .44 will blow through a human torso without difficulty, while the 5.7x28 will come to a dead stop in around 10-12" of soft tissue. But there again, the two rounds are designed to do two different things: the .44 is for blowing big holes in unarmored Bad Guys or dangerous animals, the 5.7x28 is for blowing several smaller holes very quickly in armored Bad Guys without excessive penetration.