My position: I believe abortion is acceptable (I hate te terms pro-choice and pro-life).
BUT this means that I read what I can to convince me to change my mind (I think that is it better to read material that challenges your existing beliefs rather than material that supports them) and will put some corresponding points here.
Firstly, I recommend the following book:
Politically Correct Death: Answering Arguments for Abortion Rights
This is clearly a moral issue for more than just the woman involved. To say it only involves the woman is to adopt a pro-choice premise from the start.
At stake is the *possible* painful murder of hundreds of thousands of human beings - surely that is an issue that affects everyone.
@ Many people have a utilitarian ethic (they think that what truly matters is creating happiness and preventing pain). There are strong arguments to say that sbortion does cause pain to the foetus, so anyone with a utiltarian ethic should consider the pro-life arguments carefully.
@ Many people have a set of ethics that places a value on human life. There is debate and uncertainty as to whether foetuses (or unborn children, depending on your perspective) have human life. When uncertainty exists as to whether human life is in danger we usually err on the side of caution (i.e. if there was a chance that a room had a person in it, would you be doing something wrong to throw a grenade in?). Therefore anyone who values human life and is not 100% positive that what is in the womb is not a person or human life should consider the pro-life argumetns carefully.