I decided I might throw in my own story of recent months.
A couple of months ago I started to really slide into a dark place (I've battled with depression on and off for years). A combination of sleeping problems, being absolutely miserable at work, and identifying that I had serious problem with opening myself up or allowing myself to get romantically involved with people started to really take it's toll on my mental health and my physical health was really starting to suffer. I quickly realised that all this was starting to feedback on itself and I'd slipped into a shade of black I hadn't known before.
After a particularly bad day at work I decided to up and leave work without another job to go to. I had a lot of money saved up and the job market for my field was pretty good. When I tried to leave work, they bastards pulled me up on a clause in my contract that said if I left before my contract was up I had to forfiet two weeks pay unless I was leaving for certain reasons. So I had to spill the beans about why I was leaving to my doctor so that I cold get a doctors certificate just so I could get paid for the work I was doing. My doctor, however, said that I had to see a psychologist. Luckily though, in Australia we have a universal mental health plan where the government will heavily subsidise the coast of counseling if your GP identifies you as being at risk.
So after I left work and was looking for a new job my mood and health improved greatly, and I started seeing a psychologist. I realised for the first time that I could no longer ignore my mental health issues, that they were a lot worse than I was letting on to even myself, but the most positive thing is I finally felt like I could actually get better. I'll admit, my first session with the psych I was terrorfied.
After a month of being unemployed and getting quite a few knock backs from employers I was starting to get a little worried. But, last week I landed a job, an awesome job with a really cool company. It was exactly the kind of job and employer I was looking for.
Two months ago I was in a dark place and felt my life had nothing going. Now I feel like I've managed to take a step back, work out what I think is wrong with it, and have managed to take control of it again. Dealing with my mental issues will take time, getting my career on track and where I want to be will take time, learning to be happy with myself and opening myself up to the women who take and interest and the women I take an interest in will take time. As my existence approaches its 27th revolution around our very own low mass star, I finally feel like I'm starting to take charge of my life, I finally feel like soon I'll get out of the old habit of self loathing and start learning to accept and love myself.
Any how, that's just a little from me, you've all opened up so much about something I always struggled with.
You are not a slave