Originally Posted by Seaver
1) Israel has been at war with Hamas for decades. They still receive weekly (if not daily) rocket attacks on their civilians.
2) Israel has a right to blockade Gaza as the location for which the majority of rocket attacks are launched from.
3) Regardless of the incidents, Hamas and the PLO have 60 years of smuggling in weapons through "peaceful" supply lines.
Not really as I've pointed out.
Look I'm not saying it's possible that the ships were completely empty of weapons. Israel has a history of doing things for which they believe is in their defense which appear to not make any sense (including their navy sinking one of our intelligence ships).
However to point fingers before the truth falls out is bullshit.
the people on board the ships were not hamas and were not armed. That the videos released by the IDF itself shows no initial gunfire from the ship should be enough evidence of that.
People on a ship responded to an illegal boarding in international waters by resisting armed commandos with chairs and bats. An injury to one of those commandos led to the killing of 15 to 16 civilians who were resisting to an unlawful boarding. Short of evidence of the ship engaging the Israeli navy in international waters, what happened is pretty much indefensible from any moral or legal perspective.