Originally Posted by Lasereth
I have a huge negativity barrier about doctors. I think most of what they say is BS and most medicines are BS since they don't have much (or any) effect on me. I WILL schedule an appointment though, I owe it to TFP for being so responsive about my problem.
You owe it to yourself Lasereth, to TFP you owe nothing. There are conditions that can cause this that could be potentially serious. Diabetes for one is the most likely cause of hunger issues. There are also some rare genetic conditions that can cause the inability to satisfy hunger. Of course, it could be as you and your psychiatrist have said and an unhealthy relationship with food.
I think there is a key that you are missing. As I understand it, you have had some real negative experiences with doctors. I realize that you have tried anti-depressants in the past as well which you found unhelpful. Realize that when a provider prescribes a medication he is doing so based upon your condition, what is available, and what insurance is likely to cover. This can be a step-process, one cure unfortunately doesn't fit all people. Many times people can become inpatient with the process and give up. Psychiatric medications do not work immediately, it takes at least a month before a person is stabilized on a medication before any determination can be made towards effectiveness. You need to really consider if a medication is helping and if not, go back to the drawing board and tell your provider you want to try something else. There are anti-depressants that are known specifically for curbing the appetite.