Custody isn't what it used to be--the mother isn't automatically thought of as the best option anymore.
As everyone has said above (and well done guys, great responses), children can and will pick up on your negative emotions. Staying together for the sake of the child is pretty much the worst idea ever, if you and your ex cannot communicate effectively with each other. Not only that, but you're modeling a poor marital relationship for your child, which will impact them in the future when they grow up and have their own relationships. Divorce is tough, but children fare better in environments where there isn't conflict, and even if the conflict is beneath the surface and not communicated, they pick up on that too.
My best friend in high school was the child of people who stayed together for the sake of her and her brother. She admitted to me several times that she wished they had just divorced, to eliminate the clear dislike they had for each other beneath the surface. They eventually divorced, to everyone's relief.
Divorce, move on, find someone you can really love, and know that that relationship models what a healthy, loving relationship looks like. Putting aside your own needs and desires for a child is not healthy. Parents need to take care of themselves first so that they are happy; a happy parent takes better care of their child.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau