Prince of Persia 3/10
Ugh. Just ugh. As if Jake Gyllenhall in the title role wasn't bad enough, you get to endure his accent. It's not an American accent, it's not a fake British accent, it's definetly not an Arab accent. It's just a fake indistinguishable accent. And it annoyed the crap out of me for most of the movie.
The plot, well lets just say if you think you know what's going to happen next it probably is exactly what will happen. Predictable? Just a tad.
The Sands of Time are neat. So let barely use them. Good call

The Sands of Time effect did look cool though.
The only, and I do mean only reason I'd recommend seeing PoP is for the reason I went to see it. The GF wanted to go see Sex and the City 2, and so I dropped her off with a friend and went to PoP (this easily brought it up from a 2 to a 3).