"B"roken "P"romises
I can smell it from here,
1,000 miles away,
the crude hypocrisies,
floating on the surface,
coating everything,
with the toxic poison,
muddy rhetoric,
engulfing the delta with sticky despair.
I can see the emptiness,
hear the silence,
the crescendos crushed,
smoothed solid slatches,
by deadly velvet disorder,
and chaos killing,
the very essence of creation.
Generations ended,
in dense oily blood,
gushing from mother earth,
unstinted, unstopped, unbelievable…..
the sorrow, the sorrow,
silences even the death flies,
for nothing dead is of value,
even to the dead eater’s,
just deaths invitation for looking,
for landing,
for living in their home,
until even the air they breath,
is breathless,
congealed there,
their life's over,
a melted plastic coating,
stifling all resolve.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does
p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.