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Old 05-30-2010, 03:50 AM   #7 (permalink)
Shadowex3's Avatar
Location: Florida
My god it's like popping a front-wheelie on a bicycle right before endoing, I know what's going to happen but I just can't stop myself...

Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
The fact I have never fired a gun doesnt mean that I dont have an opinion about them, just the same as I dont need to wrestled a pitbull to know thata 300 lbs is stronger than a 100 lbs dog.
A titanium machete weighs a lot less than a wrought iron one and you can use the former to cut the latter in half...

It is widely accepted by all experts in the field that IMI are the best gun manufacturer in the world. The Desert Eagle is an iconic and extremely powerful hand gun. IMI make more reliable smaller handguns, but in the aspect the Desert Eagle is designed for - the maximum power for a handgun - it is second to none. The wide usage of this gun in video games and movies is evidence of its peerless design and functioning capability.
Being a great manufacturer means their parts quality and QA is great, it doesn't mean that someone else's terrible design will magically stop sucking. If it worked like that we could end world hunger by having McDonalds touch everything and suddenly everyone would get fat.

IWI (they changed names) does design some of their own guns and they usually are pretty damn good given what's required of them, but the Deagle was not one of their in-house designs.

Furthermore it's not the maximum power for a handgun as there are many others of greater power, higher caliber or both.

Lastly the wide use of it in videogames and movies means really fuck all since pretty much every videogame will alter performance to suit game balance needs and movies will also show you able to fire any gun for pretty much as long as you want without reloading. According to movies the Mac10 has the highest magazine capacity of any man-portable weapon in existence since characters regularly fire upwards of 5,000 rounds from them before reloading.
Originally Posted by Hectonkhyres
I'm imagining crazed dwarves doing profoundly weird things. Urist McNutcase has developed a compulsion to jam anything colored blue up his anus, or alternately other peoples anuses
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