Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
I just find it hard to take all the ace bashing seriously when his level of discourse is at least par for the course and certainly more fucking polite than a couple other posters, including that moderator who's continually fixated on his 'useless' posts.
The problem is that people, specifically ace, are taking the "ace bashing" seriously. I've experienced disrespect here, and I'm sure everyone else has too. The key is not making a big deal out of it. This is a section of the forum for people with thick skin. That may be less than ideal, but it is also a reflection of how political discussions usually play out.
Also, talking about one's hurt feelings is an effective way of changing the subject, and if you look at the timing of when certain people start complaining about their hurt feelings, it seems that it's generally a way of avoiding having to say "I was wrong." So, as an example, when certain members pretend to be able to read Dennis Kucinich's mind and put words into his mouth and are called on it, instead of saying, "Look, I got a little out of hand in my characterization of the situation," instead we get "WHY DO YOU ASSHOLES ALWAYS ATTACK ME PERSONALLY?!?!?"
Besides, Ace seems to be here just to fuck with us, and doesn't seem too shy about admitting this fact. I think he likes the "persecution" we give him because it reinforces his notion that anyone who doesn't agree with him is unreasonable, which serves to further bolster his own sense of intellectual superiority.