Originally Posted by Jinn
Are there any conservatives on TFP who aren't convinced they're being personally persecuted? I'd really like to have their input on these topics, because they deserve an actual opinion, rather than a few ramblings followed by pages of defensiveness. The only two I can think of are ace and pan..? Ustwo, but I imagine he's long gone by now..
Have you been compared to Pol Pot? Have I ever compared a participant here to someone like Pol Pot? Is what Roach did, o.k. with you?
Like I said I am a volunteer. I have no problem giving back, it is actually a major personality flaw that I have. Believe it or not I don't take it personally, which is the odd part about my personality flaw. And I am running out of almonds, time for a Costco run. Have a good weekend.