Originally Posted by aceventura3
So, why did Obma spend the majority of his news conference yesterday needing to explain the he was in charge?
Of course as usual totally ignore this question, give it no though and please tell me about how clueless I am - that just never gets old.
Ummm where have I told you how clueless you are ace? Are you pulling a pan and turning to the victim act now? If so this is really pointless, I've dealt with one pan, I don't need another. If you think you've been attacked, report the fuckin post, on't whine about it like a teenage girl who got dumped on prom night, it's rather pathetic.
I don't know why, I never watched the news conference, I'm not Obama so I don't know what goes on in his head, but something you suggested was done a month ago, yet you satill complain.