A friend of mine on Paxil says it made her feel free from some very intense OCB activities, such as washing her hands all the time and needing to rearrange for desk every few hours...so I've seen that med help someone reclaim her life.
For me, going to a therapist
literally saved my life some 25 years ago. I was feeling so paranoid & wanting to kill myself and my counselor, named Helen - was like a gift from Heaven. She & I met twice a week for (hourly chat ect.) 3 months and then once a month for the next 7 months. She and I got to the bottom of my intense fears and feelings of "no self worth" plus family dynamics. Huge issues. She taught me an NLP technique that
still works today, though I seldom need it! Yeah! When she hyponotized me a few times we made intense progress and big breakthroughs I needed to see & remember.
I am a big believer that counseling is a very effective way to deal with getting mentally healthy, but I did have to meet 2 other therapists first, who I did not like and didn't continue with. I found Helen because a good friend who knew us both had recommended her for me. Best part of my life!
Now when I start to fall into a major depression, I revert to the stuff she taught me and start walking outdoors daily for excercise and fresh air.
Some folks do much better on meds when they also get counsel. Most therapists agree that the two together is the best way to treat depression and other issues.
Must Add:
*Dr. Helen used a sliding scale and made my fee very easy to pay. But also, I wanted to get better at any cost. Her fee was $25./hr. (that was 25 years ago.) Most insurances will cover counseling and most therapists can find the funds for folks in need.
Good luck and never give up.