Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Yeah, it must vary person to person.
My tips?
Order something spicy at every opportunity and eat pickled peppers on things you normally wouldn't: salads, sandwiches, etc. I like eating pickled pepperoncini peppers whole. Start with those.
Put hot sauce on everything. For example, I often add some to my eggs.

You sound like my SO. We keep a jar of pepperoncinis in the fridge at all times, and I've lost count of how many varieties of hot sauce there are in the fridge. I have to stick to things that aren't too spicy for stomach reasons, so the rule in our house is that my SO can add whatever level of hotness he'd like after the food is cooked (thank you, sriracha and sambal).
Other hot things he likes that are a good place to start: pickled jalapenos and sport peppers. While I don't like these things themselves, I do like the slightly spicy residue they leave on my food.
The one time I really managed to acclimatize to hot foods, I was eating medium salsa every day.