illegal or not the Sea Shepherd's efforts and tactics are quite pathetic. at best they are just letting the whalers know that they are against what they are doing. other than that their efforts to stop them are a waste of time and energy, in fact it makes them look quite helpless and powerless. what are they trying to achieve? i was confused watching the show. the cause is noble and the whole reality aspect of it caught my attention. theres nothin on tv like it. but i must admit they have brought a knife to a gun fight. a plastic knife at that. these whalers are killers. that means you are risking your life in order to stop them. someone is gonna get hurt or even killed. you need to fight fire with fire. but i know that will never happen. all i can say at this point is for the sea shepherd crew to recieve better training and tactics. the last couple of shows showed me that they were not prepared, lacking effective skills, lack of resources, etc. the only thing that they dont lack is their passion. more power to them but i think they are going to need more than just power. good luck SS! you are going to need it!