ace you really haven't a fucking clue do you? there's tons of information in this thread and still you haven't the first idea of what you're talking about. you seem to have a need to exculpate bp from the mess **they made** (enabled by those eager cheerleaders of private enterprise and royalties, the minerals management service).
it's like you decided at some point that it's ok to ignore all of reality and just repeat the same stupid point over and over as if you're waiting for the moment when reality will decide: "o for gods sake let's just change so that ace guy will stop hitting his face against that door."
you don't seem capable of admitting that
there is no technology hiding anywhere that will just swoop in and fix this and the reason for that is---again---that
bp didn't develop it because they didn't fucking have to because mms bought the half-baked line that bp fed them that a serious incident that involved more than superficial problems was "unlikely"
want proof?
look at the initial exploration document filed with mms in 2009:
look at the environmental protocols that run throughout it.
you just want something Manly looking to happen no matter how empty no matter how meaningless because you like the illusion of "leadership" even when there's nothing to be lead, no real coherent options to be advanced, no secret weapon to be unveiled.
now in a sane world, you'd think that drilling a mile below the surface would be understood as a risk, wouldn't you?
but not in this case.
so now, ace, that's the situation. please stop repeating things counter to reality over and over. reality isn't going to change.
but maybe there is something we can agree on: we all should i think hope that the top kill works tomorrow. no matter what you think of the actors, no matter what political viewpoint you work from, we all should hope this works. the junk shot seems a farce. the relief wells are at *least* 60 days away from being able to do anything. so if this doesn't work tomorrow, we may in the short-to-medium term be fucked. and no matter what that might mean, you can be sure that it will mean something else, something much worse, for the ecosystem of the gulf of mexico and for everyone who works on it lives near it depends on it, swims in it eats in or from it.