SNL Sketches Turned into Movies
I really like the MacGruber sketch, but I'm a bit afraid to see the movie.
Most SNL sketches are pretty funny for 2 minutes, but not so much for 2 hours, in my opinion.
The ones I've seen:
The Blues Brothers... definitely the best one. Very funny.
Wayne's World... also good. Quite funny, but didn't warrant a sequel.
Wayne's World 2... not good. Tried to capitalize on the success of the first, obviously, but fell far short for me. Also cost more to make and grossed far less $.
Coneheads... this one I like. I know it's stupid, but it made me laugh.
Superstar... I hated this one. I'm not even sure why I watched it as I never liked Mary Katherine Gallagher even as a sketch.
It's Pat... I liked the Pat sketch a lot, but the movie bit, imo.
Ones I haven't seen:
Stuart Saves His Family... I never liked this sketch.
A Night at the Roxbury... one of my favorite sketches of it's SNL time period, and I'm afraid a full 2 hours would ruin it.
Blues Brothers 2000
The Ladies Man... really?
MacGruber... another favorite sketch I think I'd grow to hate over the span of a movie.
There are probably more that I'm forgetting about...
I think Astronaut Jones might make a reasonably funny movie, and I'd have definitely watched a Church Lady movie or a Perfect Cheer movie or a Judy Miller movie.
What do you think? Do SNL sketches make good movies? Which sketches do you think should be, or should have been, made into movies?